Flower Subscriptions
Have flowers scheduled for delivery straight to your door, totally customizable and tailored to your budget and your needs.
Totally Customizable Floral
Subscription Service
For your best friend, the love of your life, the office, staff birthdays or the perfect gift!
Customize the Schedule
Let us know when you want your floral arrangements delivered. It can be monthly, on certain days or holidays, specific days like birthdays, or according to any other timeline you need. Let us know your schedule and we will make it happen.
Pick your Budget
When you subscribe to our floral subscription service, the budget for each delivery is up to you. Want something more modest in summer months and something extra special in winter? We can make it happen. Minimum $50 per occurence.
Artisan Arrangements
Being on a subscription gives our designers flexibility to be creative with your floral arrangements. We can create an arrangment with or without a container. Let us know about any special requests you have.
Unique Creations from our Floral Artisans
We love to push to boundaries of floral arrangements to make them special, unique, and memorable!

Floral Subscriptions with Funky Petals
Here is some more information on our Floral Subscription Service.
- Arrangements can be made with or without containers. If made with containers we only ask that the container be returned when picking up or delivery of the next arrangement (this way you only pay for the flowers). Container arrangements do allow our designers to present more original designs.
Full subscription payment may be made upfront, or a credit card can be kept on file for each occurrence. Payment must be made before any arrangements are picked up or delivered.
You determine how often and how much (minimum $50 per occurrence).
Weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly or monthly, or specific dates throughout the year.
Delivery Charges:
Delivery charges in effect for subscriptions of 3 months or less (or up to 5 events) of arrangements.
Half-price delivery (Airdrie only) in effect for subscriptions of 6 months (or 6 to 11 events) of arrangements.
Free delivery (Airdrie only) in effect for subscriptions of a year or more (12 or more events).
Our Floral Artisans
At Funky Petals, we consider our floral arrangements to be living art. We are here to meet all of your floral needs, whether that is a subscription service or a wedding or just a one time arrangement. Stop by our shop to say hello, give us a call, or send us a message today!
We’re looking forward to hearing from you!